The project initiator of 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises is the tourism and sustainability expert Marcus Hirsch (born in 1965), who began to implement the topic of tourism and sustainability about 8 years ago. His point of reference for a truly sustainable innovation is the orientation towards the Sustainable Development Goals, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN.

„3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises“, a world first on the seas, considers all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The developed concept of CO2-neutral and sustainable cruises will be implemented step by step: In 2025, the first three ships will set sail under the name „Carl von Carlowitz I-III“ (founder of the concept of sustainability over 300 years ago): with only 10 guests each and plenty of sustainability messages for the world.
Compliance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDGs is regularly audited by the ISO International Standardization Organization. In the following, it is explained how “3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises“ implements the 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDGs:
- No poverty: By poverty, we at 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises mean first and foremost that people do not have enough access to food, drinks, and shelter. Furthermore, the lack of freedom and social poverty are major issues in our country. We try to be a role model for other companies and organizations through our transparency and the most balanced participation of all stakeholders to the same extent. If at some point everyone participates, poverty will also be a thing of the past.
- No hunger: For us at 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises, no hunger means that we leave the added value at all destinations around the world – without consuming, negatively impairing, or even destroying any local livelihoods on the islands and bays. We are also declaring war on hunger through active protection for the preservation of fauna and flora on land and life underwater.
- Health and well-being: Staying or becoming healthy as a preventive measure is of course a major concern at 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises. The guests, the crews and our partners benefit from local and seasonal freshly prepared food. If someone does feel unwell, we have an internal and external team of doctors who are always available to help.
- High-quality education: Our 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises are CO2 neutral. This means that the guests compensate for the remaining CO2 footprints by making a calculated donation to MMC e.V. These monetary funds go directly into CO2-binding or better-avoiding projects. This also includes schools or training courses in the destinations we visit. Education is one of the important drivers for slowing down climate change.
- Equal pay: Diving instructors, skippers, bakers, and technicians are all paid equally well in the 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises project: 25 Euros gross per hour – without ifs and buts from the start of our first flotilla in 2025. Each crew member will automatically receive 5% more in each of the following years. CEOs, COOs, CIOs, CFOs, etc. get the same hourly rate as everyone else.
- Clean water and sanitation: Two reverse osmosis desalination plants per ship treat up to 400 litres of fresh water every hour. At 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises, the electrical energy required for this naturally comes from renewable sources. We use our wastewater from the shower, sink and drain as grey water for flushing the toilet. We do not use toilet paper at all, as all toilets on board are equipped with bidet and hair dryer functions. Bioprocessing on board thus turns dumping outside the 12-mile zone into a fish-feeding operation, as the mass of feces is manageable due to our rather limited number of people.
- Affordable and clean energy: The electric motors in our ships are also power generators. So-called hydrodynamics means that we generate green energy under sail in the form of electricity in addition to our wind generators and PV modules – silently and affordably.
- Decent work and economic growth: The crews on our flotillas have at least one day off each week. They are on an equal footing with our guests, get a lot of support, such as psychological support in team matters or personal matters. Each team member is allowed to participate in 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises at any time, stand-by themselves and/or with their close personal environment. 20 percent of the economic success of the overall project goes to all employees and is therefore immensely motivating.
- Industry, innovation, and infrastructure: Green methanol, green ammonia and green kerosene is the sustainable and easily storable „fuel“ for shipping. 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises is involved with its expertise in projects in Cyprus, for example, in which green energy is generated via photovoltaics or wind and processed into green fuels.
- Less inequality: Cyprus and Germany, Indonesia and Australia, Grenada and Hawaii, Colombia, and Martinique: islands, countries and continents that could not be more different. We at 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises treat them the same. Everyone can benefit equally from our value chain. We ourselves are proud to implement this very ambitious goal with our project.
- Sustainable cities and communities: Limassol, the home port of our sustainable 3Ship Lloyd Cruises ships, is one of 100 cities in Europe that are participating in the Smart and Sustainable Cities program. We are members of the committee. We provide technical support through our data team and are working to ensure that Limassol wins the competition by 2030.
- Sustainable consumption and production: Only regional and seasonal products are used on board. The meals for a maximum of 30 guests and 18 crew members per flotilla are always freshly prepared. Because we know the preferences and tastes of travelers, our F&B team can handle food in an immensely sustainable and respectful way. In this way, the supply is reduced exactly to the demand; consumption is thus geared towards sustainability.
- Climate protection measures: Our 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises are CO2-neutral. This means that the guests compensate for the remaining CO2 footprints by making a calculated donation to MMC e.V. These monetary funds go directly into CO2-binding or, better yet, CO2-avoiding projects. This also includes schools or training courses in the destinations we visit.
- Life underwater: All dives made from our vessels are mindful of ghost nets and garbage. Such rubbish will also be disposed of accordingly by us after it has been secured. In addition to all sea creatures, we have a special eye on the sea turtles.
- Life on land: CO2 is released during the production of all our equipment such as sports equipment, team clothing and especially the ships of 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises. In doing so, we are striving for greenhouse gas neutrality. However, we avoid such emissions wherever possible. For example, each of our flotillas on one of the three ships has an e-cargo bike on board, so that the cooking crew can sustainably bring up to 300 kg of goods on board per trip anywhere in the world.
- Peace, justice, and strong institutions: 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises voyages are not just a holiday. We dive deep into the culture and traditions of our hosts in the destinations. Local food freshly prepared on board, local drinks, dancing, and music and of course excursions in very small groups allow you to get in direct contact with the country and its people. All of this takes away our guests‘ fears of the unknown, puts resentment into perspective and thus contributes to more understanding and peace in the world.
- Partnerships to achieve the goals: Exchange of views and events in our team of more than 25 experts lead to ever new approaches to optimize the consistent sustainability orientation of our 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises project. PADI, the Professional Association of Diving, is one of our most important partners to achieve goal no. 14 faster together, for example.