Carl von Carlowitz – the name under which the ships sail is soon to be known in Bahia de California, Hawaii, the Caribbean and French Polynesia…

The inventor of the term sustainability, Carl von Carlowitz, came from the Erzgebirge in Germany and worked there from 1711 as chief mining engineer. He demanded that only as much wood should be felled as could grow back through reforestation. This led to the development of the principles of the sustainable use of raw materials, which is more necessary than ever.

The ships sail under the Cypriot flag

Cyprus is a European nation with a seafaring tradition and offers ideal conditions for our additional projects in the field of green energy when it comes to converting photovoltaics and wind into hydrogen and green methanol. In addition, Cyprus is strategically located in our route planning around the world. Limassol as your home port is an ideal address. The Oesterreichischer Lloyd Shipping Group has been at home here for almost 30 years.