Especially such an extensive and complex project as the development of sustainable cruise shipping with all its requirements and facets requires excellent partners who are professionals in their field and committed to sustainability. Together, they create a project for the future:
Sustainability and CO2-neutral cruises
With a comprehensive and intelligent concept of a sustainable cruise line, from the shipyard to the sails, the project is revolutionizing the cruise market. Only an integrated, flexible and transparent project will be able to offer cruise guests a sustainable experience in terms of CO2 emissions.
Safest cruises for guests and nature
The project is based on three pillars. The most important of these is the safety of guests, nature and visitors. Not only are the ships equipped with state-of-the-art technology, but also the entire route around the world has been planned with professional meteorologists to avoid dangerous situations. A highlight is the hyperbaric chamber on board in case of diving accidents.
Comfortable Cruises
Travelling with 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises is comfortable – the ratio of guests to crew is almost the same. All meals are freshly prepared by trained staff and sourced regionally and seasonally, with individual dietary requirements also being catered for. The crew includes the sports trainers for diving, kiting, fitness, and yoga. Air conditioning and free Wi-Fi are of course available.
Cruises for a well-defined market
The offer of 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises is aimed at cruise enthusiasts, environmentally conscious divers who want to avoid mass tourism, and interested travelers from all over the world. All crew members of the flotilla are multilingual.
Unconditional transparency and the highest degree of digitalization
Examples of Prime Web 3.0 include ubiquity, decentralization, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and connectivity. We use web3 innovations both on ships and in administration and financing. The focus is on the connectivity of the individual areas (ship operations, tour operators and ship management).
Not all project partners, service providers, suppliers, etc. can be named in this project description. That’s why we focus on essential partners in the following:

Ayurveda Tourism Consulting acts as a tour operator for the design of the individual tours and as the main tour operator. on their webpage can already request trips directly from Ayurveda. The networking of this travel professional alone gives us the prospect of almost full capacity.

PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors offers diving training worldwide. With around 6,200 dive centers and 130,000 members in 183 countries, it is the world’s largest commercial dive training organization and dive tourism organization. Founded in 1966, the company’s diving training is standardized worldwide and is recognized as a standard by other diving organizations. Only through the involvement of PADI-Travel as a partner of the project, it can be assumed that the complete dive tours will be fully utilized.

ISO Travel Solutions offers tourism companies a comprehensive portfolio of services: consulting, standard software, individual IT solutions, hosting. All solutions offer dedicated functions that cover the specific project needs related to the activities of tour operators and travel agents – regardless of their role in the value chain. ISO uses intelligent network technologies to unite the project with numerous market players, and it does so automatically. Here is a selection of ISO partners:

Serviceplan Group SE & Co. KG is one of the largest owner-managed advertising agency groups in Europe, headquartered in Munich. It comprises more than 40 specialist agencies and employs around 5500 people. As part of Europe’s number 1, the Munich-based subsidiary St. Elmo’s, which specializes in the tourism industry, offers the services of tourism strategy, service design, brand marketing, content marketing, direct marketing, e-commerce, trade marketing, mobile marketing, social marketing and can also rely on all divisions of the Serviceplan Group.

After launch, the SPORTSPEAKER organization will act as a brand ambassador for 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises, which unites well-known athletes from all over the world. SPORT SPEAKER GmbH is Germany’s speaker network of Olympic champions, world champions and Champions League winners. For 25 years, Sport Speaker has been advising companies interested in sports, sponsors, associations, and MICE agencies. Together with the sports speakers, motivating keynote lectures, entertaining business talks and moderations are designed and realized – live and hybrid on stage, in the studio or online via video link.

bo4 Systems is the partner in Yardelectronic and Data management. The responsible and intelligent handling of data is a decisive success factor in modern projects for achieving and maintaining ambitious sustainable goals. At 3Ship Oesterreichischer Lloyd Cruises, state-of-the-art technology is used to collect, manage, and analyze all available data to ensure maximum safety and optimization of all processes. The flotilla will be digitally designed – individually and in its entirety – and made available in so-called digital twins both on board and in the cloud and networked with associated systems in order to be able to map and present valuable information about current and future conditions in a user-friendly way. In addition to the obvious advantages for safety in ship management and ship technology as well as the optimization of logistical processes, we are thus able to individually network our stakeholders, customers as well as all project and research partners and provide them with dedicated data. We rely on sophisticated state-of-the-art software and system architectures and use Web3 technologies and artificial intelligence to protect confidential information to the maximum and incorporate expert knowledge into the evaluations.

The University of Limassol is providing scientific support to the project on a wide range of strategic, technical, economic, and socio-political issues.